Family law cases are among the most legally and emotionally complex court cases in most jurisdictions. The results of disputes in family courts have immediate and lasting repercussions for families at the most personal level.
Family law attorneys are the most widely used lawyers in the United States. These law firms have lawyers who are well-versed in all legal matters involving changes in family relationships from prenuptial agreements to child adoption.
Courtships and engagements are all about romantic dinners, walks on the beach, and wine and roses, but what happens when one party in the engagement disrupts the enchantment of planning a wedding and a happily ever after by asking for a prenuptial agreement and the other spouse reacts as though you stuck a pin in their floating balloon?
Ending a marriage isn’t an easy decision and a finalized divorce has huge legal and emotional repercussions for spouses and their families. In Arizona, spouses have the option of requesting a legal separation through court orders rather than a divorce—or until they decide to divorce or reconcile.