Professional and attentive
family law & divorce attorneys
working hard for you.


10 Things You Should Know Before a Child Custody Battle

Posted On June 22, 2024 In Child Custody

Arizona judges prioritize the best interests of children in all family court rulings and begin child custody battles in Arizona with the presumption that continued close contact with both parents is what is in a child’s best interest.

Do I Need Permission to Change My Child’s Last Name in Arizona?

Posted On May 15, 2024 In Family Law

After a divorce, many women revert to their previous last name, or “maiden name.” Most include this stipulation as part of their divorce order to facilitate the change; however, changing a child’s last name isn’t as simple.

Arizona Child Support Guide

Posted On April 30, 2024 In Child Support,Family Law

Arizona Law upholds the standard of making all decisions in the best interests of children. It’s in a child’s best interest for both parents to meet their obligation to financially support their child.

Can a Family Law Attorney Deal With Spousal Support Issues?

Posted On April 15, 2024 In Alimony,Family Law

A family lawyer in Arizona or elsewhere supports clients through all legal processes that impact their family life. While most commonly associated with divorce law, family attorneys also navigate child custody for non-married parents, paternity, and even child adoption.