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What happens if a parent misses a child support payment?

Posted On January 24, 2019 In Child Support

Child support obligations are generally created through the execution of agreements or the issuing of judicial orders. An Arizona parent may be required to provide their child with monthly payments of support, and those payments may be directed to the child’s custodial parent for use.

Know what factors may impact a child support award

Posted On January 3, 2019 In Child Support

Children should not be made to suffer when their parents elect to end their marriages in divorce. Courts therefore take special care when they make decisions about where children should live, who may have contact with them, and how they will be financially supported once their parents’ relationships are over.

What is included in a child support order?

Posted On November 29, 2018 In Child Support

Ensuring that a child has adequate support to live their best possible life is a difficult job for Arizona parents. When those parents choose to separate or to go through divorces, their job becomes even more difficult as they must balance their own needs and work together to properly care for their shared children.

Legal help for the enforcement of child support orders

Posted On October 25, 2018 In Child Support

When an Arizona court issues an order regarding the actions the parties are to take following the conclusion of their hearing, the mandates included in that order are subject to particular enforcement efforts.