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family law & divorce attorneys
working hard for you.


Death and the end of an alimony award

Posted On March 21, 2019 In Alimony

Not every person who goes through a divorce will be able to achieve self-sufficiency once they are on their own. Those who require permanent, ongoing support may be disabled in some way, or may be of an age where they are unable to relearn a trade and find employment.

How can interference impact a father’s rights to see his kids?

Posted On March 15, 2019 In Fathers' Rights

Ending a relationship can cause significant changes in the way that two parents choose to co-parent their children. Aside from the upheaval of having to live in separate homes and potentially shuttle their children from residence to residence to comply with the terms of their custody agreement or order, Arizona parents may have to overcome differences between them in order to serve their kids’ needs.

Child support for extracurricular activities

Posted On March 7, 2019 In Child Support

While it is true that every child has different needs, in general, there are certain things that every child requires in order to live a healthy and happy life. Children of all backgrounds and interests need homes to live in and food to eat.

Dividing up a business during an Arizona divorce

Posted On February 28, 2019 In High Asset Divorce

Ending a marriage is a difficult process that can be made more complicated when complex assets are involved in the division of the parties’ property. For example, when one of the parties to a divorce owns and operates their own business, questions may arise regarding if that business should be viewed as separate or martial property.