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Divorce can cause a child to have two different realities

Posted On September 8, 2020 In Child Custody

Your girlfriends were jealous when you first started going out with your ex. One day you were waitressing in the local restaurant; next, you were being whisked around the world on a private jet.

The importance of fathers to daughters

Posted On September 8, 2020 In Child Custody

Much has been written about the importance of fathers to young boys. A lack of a positive male role model is said to leave young men more prone to trouble. Less has been written about the importance of fathers to their daughters.

What do best interests mean in child custody?

Posted On September 2, 2020 In Child Custody

There are various ways to settle child custody. If parents reach an amicable agreement, all the judge has to do is sign it off. If parents cannot agree, a judge will decide how to award child custody.

How does joint custody support your child?

Posted On June 12, 2020 In Child Custody

Arizona parents like you always try your best for your children. Even during divorce, your children are a top priority. You must ensure that the divorce affects them in as small a way as possible.