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family law & divorce attorneys
working hard for you.


Divorce not about winning but ensuring strongest future possible

Posted On August 13, 2018 In High Asset Divorce

The prospect of divorce is something that may put those involved in a highly emotional state for many different reasons. The investment that all parties put in from both an emotional and financial perspective can make the process feel as if everything is on the line.

When is paternity with a specific man presumed in Arizona?

Posted On August 10, 2018 In Fathers' Rights

Simply because an Arizona mother claims that a certain man is the father of her child does not make it the truth. Determining paternity is an important factor in a child’s upbringing and care.

What should I know about calculating spousal maintenance?

Posted On August 3, 2018 In Alimony

For Arizona couples who have decided to end a marriage, both parties will have concerns about various issues after the divorce. One factor that frequently arises is spousal maintenance. Understanding what factors are involved when spousal maintenance will be ordered, how much it will be and how long it will last are essential to a case and can impact everyone involved.

Keeping records is a good way to stay ahead of alimony problems

Posted On July 20, 2018 In Alimony

Keeping track of how a person spends and earns money is a common practice in Arizona. While once upon a time Phoenix residents maintained checkbook ledgers to track their earnings and expenditures, now most people log into their financial institutions’ websites to follow the trends of their money.