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It is possible to challenge a claim of paternity

Posted On October 18, 2018 In Fathers' Rights

Parenthood is an honor for many people who hope and plan for the days that they will be able to bring their own kids into the world. However, not all Arizona residents desire to be responsible for children, and therefore, they may choose not to have kids or to become parents through adoption. Not having kids is a right that individuals may assert, but when a man is alleged to be a child’s father and is caught in a paternity case, he may need to develop a deep understanding of paternity law.

It is important that readers understand that not all claims of paternity are correct. This is because mistake by humans can cause the wrong individuals to be alleged to be children’s fathers, and mistakes in laboratory testing may also lead to erroneous conclusions about whether certain men fathered kids.

If a man wishes to challenge a claim of paternity, there are several paths down which he may proceed. He may decide to look into infidelities committed by the child’s mother and evidence that shows another man or men could be the child’s biological father. He may investigate whether mistakes were made at the lab, where DNA or genetic testing was completed to link him to the child. He may also offer evidence that he is unable to father children due to sterility or infertility.

Becoming a parent is not for everyone, and men who are not biologically linked to children should not be forced to support kids that they did not father. Challenging paternity is possible, but also difficult. Chandler family law attorneys are available to help men who are facing this tough legal issue.